Boost Your Company Marketing

Google Street View Trusted (previously Google Business View) gives customers the ability to take a virtual tour of your business from their computer or tablet.

Google changed to Google Street View Trusted in 2015 along with relaxing some of their policies around the program ‘to make it “much easier,” while the “publishing requirements will be simpler.” these changes will lead to “improving publishing and editing reliability.” whilst “high quality imagery and consistent professionalism will remain key requirement” in this program.’

How to set up a google street view trusted profile for your business

In order to set up Google Street View Trusted for your Business you must use a Google Trusted Photographer, they’ll take care of everything from the photoshoot to the upload.

We interviewed 3 potential Google business view approved photographers for the shoot and chose James Deavin, who was passionate and fantastically creative. He really helped us to utilise our ideas in a practical way and get the best results.

James told us a bit about Google Business View Trusted have changed recently:

  • Panos do not have to be connected any more. This changes things a lot.

  • Faces do not have to be blurred, with permission i.e model release.

  • The best way to make tours nowadays (in his opinion) is to make a series of unconnected panoramas and connect them through a third party overlay like these: Kingsley Health Care.

  • This enables photographers to be more creative by shooting better panos as we aren’t restricted by having to link them after!

The benefits of marketing your business with google street view trusted

Google Street View Trusted

According to Ipsos study when searching for businesses, consumers use mapping products 44% of the time. 

By improving your businesses listings with photos and a virtual tour you are twice as likely to generate interest from potential customers.

Many people will search for business on a mobile device whilst out, Google Street View is front-and-center when you on a smartphone, making it a golden opportunity.

Many of our clients find us online from all over the country, the majority of whom we will never meet face to face. As well

 as our online reviews and feedback, we felt that it was important to give people a look at the layout and environment of our office for a better sense of who Proactive are and how we do things. Your business environment can be a selling point! 

One of the main benefits of having the shoot is to increase online visibility and develop interactivity. The images used in your profile could encourage customers to click through to your website, with as many as 41% of place searches resulting in an on-site visit.  Whilst Google Business View photoshoot by itself is a very minor ranking factor, the number of click throughs you get from your enhanced profile can indirectly help your rankings.